This collection has been transferred to a new software database and is in process of being checked and corrected where necessary.
Documents mostly from the South African Archives, but also a few others - please click on the picture to open the album.
There are mostly two sizes for each photograph, the larger can be selected from the drop down list to the top right of each photo.
If you have photographs of similar documents that you would like to add to this collection, please contact Richard Ball.
Document Ordering Service: We are able to organise the photographing of documents from the South African Archives at Bloemfontein, Pietermartizburg and Durban.
Please read the FAQ for more information.
Please click on any of the pictures below to enter the album concerned.

Cape Town Archives Repository
Postal address: Private Bag X9025, CAPE TOWN 8000 Street address: 72 Roeland Street, CAPE TOWN Tel: (021) 466 8100....

Free State Archives Repository
Postal address: Private Bag X20504, BLOEMFONTEIN 9300Street address: 29 Badenhost Street, BLOEMFONTEIN Tel: (051) 522...

National Archives Repository
(Records of the former Transvaal Province and its predecessors as well as of magistrates and local authorities...