Free State Archives Repository (3)
Postal address: Private Bag X20504, BLOEMFONTEIN 9300
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EKSTEEN Jacoba Maria nee GELDENHUYS - oorlede 1 Mei 1949
Voor-oorlede Eggenoot EKSTEEN Matthys Johannes - 1939

FERREIRA Annie and Eunice FERREIRA and Minnie FERREIRA
also Winifred KRYNAUW, Ellen KRYNAUW, Letty VAN ROOYEN and Edith POTGIETER - CO91 ref 3230-02

FOWLER Phyllis Emily born WILLS died 15 August 1949
Born c. 1919 Kroonstad, OFS. Died 16 Aug 1949 Johannesburg General Hospital, Transvaal. Age 30yrs 5mths. Spouse...

GLAISTER John Ballantyne
Born abt 1885 in the OFS. Died 10 Jan 1943 in the Harrismith Hospital, Harrismith, OFS. Surviving spouse:- Anna...